Buckwheat noodles : These Japanese soba noodles are made with wheat + buckwheat flour. I go for the more buckwheat content in soba noodles. trader joes/uwajimaya have good collection.
In a pan with some sesame oil + olive oil cook some garlic, onions with little salt and lid (makes it cook in little oil rather than frying). I added grated carrots (thick, long), spinach, cabbage, celery(thinly cut), 1tbs rice vinegar, 1tbs soy souce,1tbs sugar, salt. cook for 2 minutes (crispy vegetables taste good in noodles). Add more vinegar, soy souce, sugar, red chili powder/chili sauce according to your taste. Mix it with cooked noodles (cook as per package instructions). Warm or Cold - they taste yummy to me either way.
Ruta decorated her lunch with magic sprinkles (sesame seeds). She tasted it in the morning and gave me one thumbs up.
with some grapes.
Ruta ate 1/2 of the noodles and all grapes. She didn't like "some orange things" cabbage in it.
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